Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Should advertisers pay attention to India's mobile market? Indian consumers favor mobile ads over Americans, study finds

Photo by XYZ
The mobile market is booming in both the United States and India. Researchers from Southern Methodist University and Korea University compared samples of smartphone users from both countries to see if culture affects attitudes toward mobile devices and mobile ads. After participants answered statements based on a 5-point Likert scale, researchers found that Indian smartphone users find mobile ads more informative, entertaining and credible than
those in the U.S.

  • Researchers from Southern Methodist University and Korea University sought to compare smartphone users in America to smartphone users in India in terms of their attitudes toward mobile ads, motivations for using a mobile device and cultural overall differences in phone activities. 
  • India is an emerging mobile market, home to 900 million mobile phone users.
  • Researchers worked with a marketing research firm and recruited 158 Indians and 114 Americans, who answered statements based on a 5-point Likert scale.
  • The study found that Indian smartphone users find mobile ads more informative, entertaining and credible than American smartphone users.

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